
Private Training/Semi-Private Training

This is the best way to ensure you are reaching your goals. After an initial assessment, a plan is set in place to ensure success based on whatever goals the individual has. These workouts are planned thoroughly and you receive 100% of our attention. We offer private training where you’ll work 1-on-1 with your trainer in a personalized session. We also offer group semi-private training, combining a group session, with individualized programming. This service combines the high-energy setting of group training, while obtaining the individualized personal training that we believe everyone deserves.                                                                                

Private/Semi-private training is right for you if:

  • Are unsure of how to achieve your goals

  • Find yourself doing ‘random’ workouts that you find online

  • Need help with motivation and need to be held accountable

  • Have sport-specifc goals that require a plan or structure

  • Are new to exercise or are coming back from an injury/illness.