Q: Is there a membership ?
A: No, there are no memberships or upfront costs. At the end of every month, clients receive an invoice for the sessions attended.
Q: Are there classes?
A: No, there are no classes offered where everyone is participating in the same workout. Although, we do provide semi-private group training, where each individual is working ontheir own program, but in a group setting. This structure takes advantage of the energy of the group environment, but allows for proper programming.
Q: What services are offered?
A. Assessments
Personal training
Semi-private training
VO2/lactate testing
Athletic therapy
Massage therapy
Hot/cold therapy (Sauna and Cold Tub)
Nutritional services
Q: What type of clientele train at Chalk’s?
A: We train anyone and everyone. As long as clients share the same values.
Q: How long are workouts?
A: Sessions are booked in for an hour, but clients are encouraged to come 10-15 minutes prior to get warmed up.
Q: In the semi-private training, are there existing groups to join?
A: There are time slots to jump into with existing groups. There are flexible time options daily which allow for staggered start times. This allows manageable group sizes, staggering start times of each individual.
Q: Is the hot-cold therapy for clients only?
A: No, this service is offered to anyone looking to take advantage of the benefits of hot/cold therapy. Clients get set you up with a door code to use the facility as they would like. There are slots available to book into the schedule at various times throughout the week.
Q: How do I get started?
A: As assessment is required prior to starting at Chalk’s. Clients schedule in with our Athletic Therapist and then move you into private or semi-private schedule. This allows the program to built around limitations, movements, injury history and get a full understanding of the client when building out the program. Reach out to Chad at ‘chad@chalkstraining.com’ or 705-443-9535.
Q: What is the cancellation policy?
A: 24- hour notification is required due to the high demand for time slots.
Q: How does scheduling work ?
A: It is suggested clients keep regular time slots to ensure they can get in, as space is limited.
Q: Can clients come before to warmup or stay to cool down ?
A: Yes, clients are encouraged to arrive 5-10 minutes early to warmup for your session. Cooling down after is also an option.
Q: Are there shower facilities ?
A: Yes
Q: Are the vo2/lactate test included or separate services?
A: These are separate services, open to both clients and non-clients.
Q: Are massage/athletic therapy for clients?
A: These are separate services, open to both clients and non-clients.
Q: How often should clients come?
A: That is entirely based on client goals and schedule, which can be determined by conversation with the trainer.
Q: Do trainers provide guidance for what to do outside of the gym sessions?
A: We provide guidance as to what to do outside of the gym, but we also provide online training. The online training is for both strength and endurance and have several packages.
Q: What is the max amount of people per semi-private?
A: Semi-private training can accommodate 5 people at a time. This has been found to be the highest number of clients, while still able to provide the level of service the clients deserve. Although, there may be a 5-10 minute crossover with higher numbers as some clients finish, while others are starting.